Placeholder SEP Magazine Issue 03: SEP Ambassadors Spotlight at Sultan Han – SEP Suisse


SEP Magazine Issue 03 | SEP Ambassadors in Sultan Han

SEP Magazine Issue 03 | SEP Ambassadors in Sultan Han

Posted on November 09 2023

SEP AMBASSADORS IN SULTAN HANSultan han: an Islamic geometry pattern first seen in the 1200's: now you can wear it. It has been hand-embroidered for you by SEP in Jerash camp. Organic cotton: we created the softest, thickest, warmest, cozy-est organic hoodies just for you.To me, this hoodie whispers stories of serenity and unity. As I wear this masterpiece, I am at ease, weaving connections in a world yearning for dignity. Each stitch is a reminder of history's embrace and each is an embrace. The organic cotton is soft and warm and it carries a deeper meaning. I feel a genuine connection with the artist who embroidered it.   #SUNY , seeninsep November 2023Embroidery is expression, freedom, resiliencetrue luxury is a meaningful lifestyle

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