Placeholder SEP and Tamari Foundation Launch SEP-TF Academy in Jerash Camp, Jordan – SEP Suisse


SEP and the Tamari Foundation launch the SEP-TF Academy in Jerash Camp, Jordan

SEP and the Tamari Foundation launch the SEP-TF Academy in Jerash Camp, Jordan

Posted on December 17 2015

When Philanthropy meets Social Enterprise.

The SEP & Tamari Foundation Academy offers vocational training and formation in the field of textile needlework to existing and prospect SEP embroidery artists. 

The Academy will improve the accuracy, timeliness and quality of delivery of the SEP artists. We will organize workshops to introduce new techniques, materials and quality control standards with the input of both local and international teachers.

The Academy aims to collaborate with SEP as well as with other brands, to make sure the students' work with a commercial value is a source of income to the producer: watch out for collaborations with established brands and designers!

Impact: A potential universe of 1,000 ladies in the Jerash refugee camp could work their way out of poverty thanks to their upgraded skills within a couple of years; average number of members per family is eight. Effectively 8,000 people could be positively affected by the girls’ psychological and financial status improvement.

The #TamariSEPEducationScholarship: in line with their mission, ''to offer a catalyst for change and the keys to knowledge through a variety of educational initiatives and projects focusing on human well-being within developing nations.  This is done with the intent of creating a lasting culture of responsible citizenry through impacting one life at a time", the Tamari Foundation will also allocate within the camp two scholarships every year, to support secondary education and create the basis for stable employment for camp residents. Main requirements to access the scholarship: top grades, course of study that can lead to employment with SEP, voluntary work for SEP during the studies and priority right for SEP to hire the recipient upon graduation.

SEP, the Tamari Foundation and the SEP artists are over the moon about these initiatives: #mutualhappiness is more than just a slogan!



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