Placeholder How Has Your Life Changed with COVID-19? – SEP Suisse


How has your life changed with COVID-19?

How has your life changed with COVID-19?

Posted on April 13 2020

We asked the same 5 questions to friends who live all over the world, who come from all backgrounds and speak all sorts of languages, who all have at least one thing in common: they love SEP. The result is a great picture of the SEP Community and a precious collection of wonderful pieces of advice, experiences, thoughts. Enjoy!

Q1: How Long have you been in lockdown? Has your perspective changed since day 1?

Q2: Have you established new daily routines?

Q3: Your top advice to others who are in lockdown

Q4: What are your views-opinions on COVID-19?

Q5: The biggest challenges posed by the lockdown to you personally?

Mary Nazzal-Batayneh, Amman 


Anne du Pasquier Honegger, Geneva 


Nada Syam, Jerash Camp 


Gigi El Debs, Hong Kong 


Amanda Willgrave, London 


Jean Pierre Daccache, Geneva


Helen Al Uzaizi, Dubai


Waseem Salameh, Jerash "Gaza" Camp, Jordan


Julie Wynne, Geneva


Vanessa Moe, Sidney


Nawal Aradeh, Jerash "Gaza" Camp, Jordan


Laurence Collins, Geneva


Mahmoud Al Haj, Amman


Anna Masson, Geneva


Noof Al Shammary, Geneva


Asma Saleh, Jerash, Jordan


Lucilla Dello Russo, Rome


Nami Traeholt, Kualalumpur, Malaysia


Ida Faerber, Geneva


Della Tamari, Geneva


Philippine Baron, Zurich


Najah Sarhan, Jerash camp, Jordan

And many more to follow...! 


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